You are currently viewing DBATU Syllabus 2019 – 20: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year

DBATU Syllabus 2019 – 20: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year

Download DBATU Syllabus 2019 – 20 in the PDF format from below. Students can download the syllabus for B.Tech, B.Arch, M.Arch, B.pharm, M.Tech, M.Pharm, B.Vocational and other courses. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University is well known for its technical education system. DBTAU offers various UG / PG courses like Engineering, Pharmacy e.t.c. All the students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th-semester can download the syllabus for their respective program from this page. 

DBATU Syllabus 2019 – 20

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University released the syllabus and course structure of First, Second, Third and Fourth-year courses mentioned above.

Students who are going to appear for a new academic session in DBTAU or already studying in the university must know that the DBTAU Exam is conducted in ODD and EVEN Semester manner. The syllabus for each semester is different. Students should check DBATU 2020 Syllabus carefully.

DBATU Latest Syllabus

Latest DBATU Syllabus, for Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, is very important for the student to study the latest and updated curriculum for the university. Updates Syllabus helps students prepare in an organized manner so that they can plan out their DBATU Academics Exam preparation easily.

Course M.Arch, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, B.Tech, M.Tech, B.Arch, B.Voc
Year1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th Year

Once the student is enrolled in any course at DBATU University they have to keep eye on latest notice released by the university in a regular manner to keep student updates about the latest updates in courses, DBATU time table, and, DBATU admits card for B.Tech, M. Tech, and other courses.

DBATU Exam Date Sheet – Check Here  

DBATU B.Tech Syllabus (First Year All Students)

B.Tech. Syllabus

  1. Automobile Engineering
  2. Second Year B. Tech program in MINING ENGINEERING
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Chemical Engineering Second Year (Revised)
  5. Computer Engineering
  6. Information Technology
  7. Electronics Engineering
  8. Mechanical Engineering
  9. Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
  10. Instrumentation Engineering
  11. Production Engineering
  12. Electrical Engineering
  13. Chemical Engineering
  14. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
  15. B. Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Sandwich)
  16. Petrochemical Engineering Second Year 
  17. Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering(Second Year)
  18. Instrumentation Engineering(Second Year)
  19. Mining Engineering
  20. Biomedical Engineering 

II) B.Tech Revised Syllabus:Third Year

  1. Amended B Tech Civil Engg syllabus
  2. Syllabus of Computer Engineering(2019-2020)
  3. Structure and Syllabus of Electrical Instrumentation Engineering
  4. Structure and Syllabus of Instrumentation Engineering.
  5. Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
  6. Automobile Engineering 
  7. Mechanical Engineering 
  8. Production Engineering 
  9. Mechanical Engineering Board of Studies
  10. Chemical Engineering
  11. Petrochemical Engineering 
  12. Civil Engineering 
  13. Electrical Engineering 
  14. Electrical Engineering(Electronics & Power )
  15. Information Technology 
  16. Biomedical Engineering
  17. Electronics Engineering
  18. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 
  19. Computer Engineering

III) B.Tech Revised Syllabus: Final Year

  1. Information Technology 
  2. Biomedical Engineering
  3. Electronics Engineering
  4. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 

DBATU B.Arch Syllabus 

  1. First Year Syllabus & Second Year Syllabus

DBATU M.Arch Syllabus

  1.  Syllabus of M.Arch Urban Design(UD)
  2. Syllabus for Masters in Architecture (General)
  3. Proposed Syllabus for Masters in Architecture (Environmental)
  4. Syllabus for Construction Management

DBATU B.Pharm Syllabus

DBATU M.Tech Syllabus

Chemical Engineering:

Civil Engineering:

Computer Engineering



Mechanical Engineering:

DBATU M.Pharm Syllabus

DBATU B.Voc Syllabus

Electronics Manufacturing Services 

Software Development

Industrial Tool Manufacturing

Production Technology

Automobile Servicing

Graphics and Multimedia

Interior Design

DBATU Official Website – Click here

DBATU University

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