At present, we use many apps every day, many of which are magic apps. Telegram is also one of the most used messaging apps in India. You must be using Telegram many times every day, but have you ever thought that you can also earn money through Telegram. Yes, in this article we are going to tell you ‘ways to earn money from Telegram’ ( Telegram Se Paise Kaise Kamaye ) through which you will be able to earn money from Telegram sitting at home.
What is Telegram App?
Well, if you are reading this article then you will know what Telegram is but if you do not know what it will do then for information let us tell you that Telegram is also a messaging app like Whatsapp. But compared to WhatsApp, Telegram provides much more resources and at the same time, this application has much less limitations compared to WhatsApp, due to which people like it a lot. According to many people, Telegram is more secure than other messaging apps like Whatsapp etc.
Can you earn money from Telegram without investment?
Many people think that Telegram is only a messaging app and it has no other use except messaging. But it is not like that at all. Telegram is more than a messaging app. We can create channels on Telegram in which not only hundreds and thousands but lakhs of people can join. Apart from this, big groups can be created in which thousands of people can be added. This means that an audience can be created on Telegram and where there is an audience, money can also be earned.
How to earn money from Telegram by uploading movies, app, bot
As we told you that where there is an audience, there are ways to earn money, so because audience can be created on Telegram, then you can earn good money from Telegram also! But how? There is not just one but many methods for this, which are as follows:
Create your Telegram Channel:
If you want to earn money from Telegram and you want that you can earn good money from Telegram, then the best way for this is to create your own Telegram channel and promote it. One special thing about Telegram channel is that you can subscribe to it as many times as you want, that is, there is no limit. As people join your Telegram channel, your income will also increase.
Actually, to earn money from Telegram channel, you will have to promote it so that people join your Telegram channel and once a good number of people join your Telegram channel, then you will be able to start earning money from your Telegram channel. Currently, there are thousands of such channels on Telegram whose owners are earning in lakhs. Because they have the audience, they also have money.
But if you say you created me yesterday and you get a good number of subscribers on it, then how will you earn money from it? Actually there is not just one but many ways. You will be able to easily earn good money from your Telegram by promoting your products, through affiliate marketing, referring apps, sponsorship, brand or product promotion.
Join Deals Channel:
Currently, there are lakhs of channels available on Telegram, which is very high, out of which many channels are also deals channels. If you do not know what Telegram Deals Channel is, then for information, let us tell you that there are thousands of such channels on Telegram which tell you about the great deals going on on various websites on the internet, then in such a situation you can join these deals channel. You can earn money by doing also.
Now the question comes that by joining deals channel one can know about great deals but how can one earn money from it? Actually, there are many social media groups available on the internet in which people ask for offers to buy products at cheap rates and for this they also give commission to the people giving offers, so in such a situation, it would be better if you get those people the best deal as per their demand. Can earn money.
Do Affiliate Marketing
If you want to know about how to earn money from Telegram (Telegram Se Paise Kaise Kamaye), then there were not just one but many ways, one of the great ways is Affiliate Marketing. Through affiliate marketing, any person can easily earn money sitting at home, that too not less, but in lakhs! Provided that he should know how to sell the product. There are crores of people present on Telegram, so money can be earned from affiliates.
If you do not know about affiliate marketing, then for information let us tell you that in affiliate marketing you have to sell the products of other companies. In affiliate marketing, if you join an affiliate program like Amazon Affiliate Program and sell the products on the site through your affiliate link, then you get commission. There are thousands of groups and channels on Telegram where products can be promoted.
Earn money through Refer and Earn:
As you know that there are not only thousands but crores of people present on Telegram and most of these people are active, so you can earn good money through Refer and Earn programs on Telegram. Since there is a good audience on Telegram, then you can reach that audience with those applications and programs which pay you for getting people to join, due to which you will be able to make good commission.
At present, there are thousands of applications on Play Store which give you Rs 10 to 200 or even more for each referral, so if you promote these applications in Telegram channel or Telegram group, then you can get a good commission. goes. If you choose an app that gives you Rs 50 per referral, then you will make Rs 500 by getting only 10 people to download the app.
Use Link Shortner Websites:
Since there is a huge audience on Telegram, there are many ways by which one can earn money by taking advantage of this massive audience. If you want to know about Telegram Se Paise Kaise Kamaye or how to earn money from Telegram, then Link Shortner Websites are also a great way through which you will be able to earn good money sitting at home from Telegram.
If you do not know what Link Shortner Websites are, then for information let us tell you that Link Shortner Websites are a type of tool which makes websites easier to understand by shortening their links. But many websites also provide an opportunity to earn money by shortening links. By sharing shortened links from these websites on Telegram, you can drive traffic to them and earn profit.
Start Selling Telegram Services
If you have been using Telegram for a good amount of time and have well understood the features related to Telegram such as Telegram bots, Telegram stickers and Telegram channels, then you can start earning money by selling services related to Telegram. yes. If you do not know about it, then for information let us tell you that you can make and sell Telegram bots and stickers and can manage the channels of others.
If you understand the Telegram bot algorithm well and can provide such facilities to people which are useful for us, then many Telegram channels and businesses active on Telegram will buy your bots and give you good money for them. In the same way you can also sell Telegram stickers. Also, you can earn money by contacting the owners of big channels and asking them for the work of channel management.
Create Private Telegram Channel
If you have any valuable thing or knowledge for which people are ready to give you money, then you can easily create a private channel and take money from people to join the channel. In this way you will build a community and every month you will be able to get good money from people in the form of subscription. This is one of the best ways to earn money from Telegram.
As we all know very well that Telegram comes in the list of most used apps at present in which crores of people are connected. Nowadays, many people are earning a good amount from this but many people do not know how to earn money from Telegram. This is the reason why we have written this article in which ‘ ways to earn money from Telegram ‘ (Telegram Se Paise Kaise Kamaye) are explained.