Short Essay on Environment

Short Essay on Environment: Environment refers to all living and nonliving elements present on earth, from animals, plants and trees to humans and all their related biological and nonbiological components. Human activities have transformed natural environments into artificial ones, leading to changes that threaten both biotic and abiotic components, thus negatively impacting multiple creatures’ lives and damaging ecosystems. Environment pollution is at the core of this issue. People’s use of plastics and chemicals has polluted our water, air and food supplies essential to the survival of many creatures.

Short Essay on Environment

Humans must understand and act upon the importance of environmental preservation to help preserve nature and ease survival for living things on this planet. Deforestation, climate change and pollution threaten many species’ existence; people should avoid using chemicals when possible and recycle as much as possible before replacing disposable objects with reusable ones or paper with non-polluting alternatives like bamboo fibers – as this contributes to pollution of our surroundings.

Furthermore, human population has been growing at an exponential pace, negatively impacting the environment and amplifying global warming and other natural calamities. Furthermore, fossil fuel use contributes to this problem by emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that have the power to raise temperatures on Earth by melting ice caps and raising sea levels while also contributing to respiratory illnesses and other forms of illness.

Environmentalism is essential to life on Earth. Therefore, humanity should strive to protect its resources from environmental pollution so that future generations may live healthy lives here. Since 2010, much research and solutions have been conducted on this issue and various solutions proposed. One effective way of protecting our environment is limiting fossil fuel usage and using renewable sources of energy instead. Utilize reusable items whenever possible and dispose of waste properly; protecting our environment is important both for human health reasons as well as for that of animals and other living things. Education on the benefits of protecting our environment is key in this endeavor, especially among younger generations who must shoulder this responsibility for creating a sustainable future for generations yet unborn. Without it, humans cannot exist!