10 lines on Doraemon in English | My favourite Cartoon Character

Dear users, if you are searching for short and quick essay on Doraemon in English then this article will help you in that. Usually, kids get homework to write few lines on 10 lines on doaemon cartoon in English language. Even if you are searching for 10 lines on favourite TV cartoon then you can use this article to write 10 lines on doraemon cartoon. You can also use this for My favourite Cartoon Character topic

10 lines on Doraemon in English
Source: Google

Also Read: 10 lines Essay in English

10 lines on Doraemon in English

Class 1:

  1. Doraemon is a blue robot cat.
  2. He loves to eat dorayaki cakes.
  3. Doraemon has a magical pocket from which he can take out amazing things.
  4. He helps his friend Nobita with his problems.
  5. Doraemon has a sister named Dorami.
  6. His favorite gadget is the ‘Anywhere Door.’
  7. Doraemon travels back in time to help Nobita’s ancestors.
  8. Doraemon is very kind and friendly.
  9. He lives with Nobita in Tokyo.
  10. Children love watching Doraemon’s adventures.

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Class 2:

  1. Doraemon is a famous cartoon character loved by children.
  2. He is a robot cat with a blue body and a round face.
  3. Doraemon loves to eat dorayaki, a popular Japanese sweet.
  4. He has a magical pocket that can produce amazing gadgets.
  5. Doraemon helps his friend Nobita with his daily problems.
  6. He has a little sister named Dorami who is also a robot cat.
  7. Doraemon’s favorite gadget is the ‘Anywhere Door’ which can take him to any place instantly.
  8. He sometimes travels back in time to help Nobita’s ancestors.
  9. Doraemon is kind-hearted and always ready to help others.
  10. Kids enjoy watching Doraemon’s exciting adventures.

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Class 3:

  1. Doraemon is a famous Japanese cartoon character loved by children all over the world.
  2. He is a blue robot cat who has a magical pocket from which he can take out incredible gadgets.
  3. Doraemon’s favorite food is dorayaki, a sweet red-bean-filled pancake.
  4. He helps his friend Nobita by using his gadgets to solve his problems.
  5. Doraemon has a little sister named Dorami who also has magical gadgets.
  6. His favorite gadget is the ‘Anywhere Door’ which can take him to any place in the world.
  7. Doraemon sometimes travels back in time to help Nobita’s ancestors.
  8. He is very kind and always tries to make people happy.
  9. Doraemon lives with Nobita and his family in Tokyo.
  10. Children of all ages enjoy watching Doraemon’s exciting adventures and learning from his values of friendship, kindness, and perseverance.