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Essay on Junk Food for students (all class) 1500+ words

Download here essay on Junk Food and its harmful effects on our health. This English article is suitable for school as well as college students as their homework for academics. kids from class 1 to 12 can use this essay on junk food and healthy food. this short and long paragraph up to 1500+ words covers everything related to junk and how it’s affecting the young generation.

Essay on junk food – Short and long

Nowadays the trend of junk food is increasing but it is very harmful to our health. Which all children and teenagers must know because they usually like to eat junk food. In many essay contests, the task of writing essays on junk food is given. Which is given to make the children aware of junk food.

Essay on Junk food 250 Words


Fast food is becoming a part of our lives in modern society due to convenience and quickness to time, many of us now depend on fast food for our food. Generally, junk foods are very attractive and tasty to watch and are also liked by people of all age groups. But in fact, junk foods are very harmful to health. Therefore, the more attractive they look, the opposite they are from the inside.

junk food

Junk foods are never considered good for health, they have been proved useless in all ways.A Junk foods are very useless for health and individuals who consume them regularly invite many diseases. They cause many diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, premature ageing, high blood pressure, bone problems, diabetes (diabetes), mental diseases, digestive system problems, liver-related problems, breast cancer etc.

Essay on junk food


According to research, it has been found that young age is a very sensitive age, during which a person should eat good health enhancers. Because there are many changes in the body during this age leading to adult age group.

Essay on Junk food 300 Words


The word junk food means food that is not good for a healthy body at all. It lacks nutrition and is also harmful to the body. Most junk foods are high in fat, sugar, salinity, and bad cholesterol, which are poisons for health. They are deficient in nutrients and therefore easily cause constipation and other digestive diseases. Junk food has gained much fame due to its good taste and easy cooking. Junk foods already manufactured in the market are packaged in polythene. Many people rely on the packaged junk food of this kind, due to their busy routine or ignorance of cooking.

Fast food is poison for health

Junk food causes typhoid, heart-related diseases, malnutrition, hypertension-related diseases. This is more harmful than we think. Junk foods are very oily and they are deficient in nutrients, therefore, they are very difficult to digest and require more energy from the body for their action and decrease the oxygen level in a person’s body, there is no proper development of the brain.


Consumption of junk food is increasing day by day throughout the world, which is not good for the future. People of all age groups like to eat junk food and usually, they choose it when they enjoy some special time with their family, such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. They provide different varieties of junk food available in the market such as; Cold drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizzas, French fries, Chinese food, etc. are used.

Essay on Junk food 400 Words


The term junk food was first used in 1972.Â

Almost all of us are aware of junk food and there is no need for an introduction to it.

Nevertheless, it is a very interesting question that after knowing its genuineness why does everyone like to eat junk food?Â

Nowadays all of us enjoy the taste of junk food as these tasty get affordable and ready. Junk food lacks any nutrients and nutritional values necessary for health.

If consumed regularly, it is very harmful to health. These decrease the energy level of the body and cause insomnia. This leads to a decrease in concentration levels and fatal diseases; For example, constipation, gas, hormone imbalance, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes (diabetes) etc. are invited.

Lack of nutrients in junk food

Junk foods are very oily and are deficient in nutrients. For this reason, they have difficulty in digestion and at the same time, their digestive activity requires a lot of energy in the body and decrease the oxygen level in the person’s body, which does not lead to proper brain development. There is an excess of bad cholesterol in junk food and in addition, it also acts to harm the body. Due to lack of nutrients, there is a stretch in the stomach and other digestive organs. Due to which constipation problem arises. Due to eating junk food, we may have to face diseases like weight gain, obesity, typhoid, malnutrition, etc.


Junk foods are very harmful to health and if ingested regularly, they harm health without any benefit. We should not consume junk food to live a good, healthy and pleasant life throughout life. It is more harmful to an obese person due to the high amount of calories in fast food.

Essay on Junk food 500 Words


The term junk food says a lot in itself and indicates its harmful nature for health. Junk food is a useless food for health because it is rich in calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and salinity. Nowadays, children and youth are very fond of eating large amounts of junk food. They are taking their lives towards danger through unhealthy lifestyles. They usually consume chips, French fries, cracks, snacks, noddles, burgers, pizza, pasta, and other junk foods whenever they feel hungry. Junk food is not beneficial to us and does not provide any nutrition.

Junk food is prone to obesity

It affects the lives, weight, and health conditions of people of all ages in all ways. Junk food is found in a high amount of calories, however, whoever eats this type of food also gets hungry very often. Junk food does not provide the required level of energy; In this way, the instinct of eating food becomes frequent in the eater. Everything we get from junk food contains unhealthy fat and does not contain any good ingredients; Thus, we feel oxygen deficiency and which makes the brain function dysfunctional.

Results of eating junk food

According to research, children and adolescents eat more junk food on a regular basis in large amounts and due to which they gain weight and also cause many heart and liver problems. This type of children has to face problems like diabetes and laziness due to accumulation of excess sugar in the body at an early age.

Junk foods have high blood pressure due to their high level of sodium minerals. Children and adolescents should develop good habits in early childhood by parents.

Parents should take care of their children’s eating and drinking habits because in childhood, children neither know nor decide what is right and wrong. Therefore, they are the parents, who are completely responsible for right and wrong habits in children. They should teach their children about eating habits right from childhood as well as clarify the difference between healthy food and junk food.


Consumption of junk food is increasing day by day throughout the world, which is not good for the future. People of all age groups like to eat junk food and usually, they choose it when they enjoy some special time with their family, such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. They provide different varieties of junk food available in the market such as; Cold drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizzas, French fries, Chinese food, etc. are used.

Essay on Junk food 600 Words


Junk food has a good taste, due to which it is liked by people of almost all age groups, especially children and children going to school and college. Usually, children eat a lot of junk food right from childhood, due to which this tendency develops in them. With this, this problem of eating junk food becomes a bulge if the parents are not restrained and later it causes big problems.

According to research by scientists, it has been found that they have negative effects on health in many ways. These are usually fried packaged foods found in the market.Â

They are high in calories and cholesterol, sodium minerals, sugar, straw, unhealthy fat and lack of nutrients and protein elements.

What is junk food?

If we describe junk food in easy words, then it is more beneficial and less harmful to the human body. Junk foods are fast weight gain foods and have negative effects on the body throughout life. It increases a person’s weight significantly, due to which the person becomes obese. Junk food has a good taste and is also good in appearance, however, does not meet the requirement of healthy calories in the body.

Some foods such as French fries, fried foods, pizza, burgers, candies, cold drinks, ice creams etc. have high levels of fat and sugar. According to the Central Controller of Diseases and Prevention Center, it has been found that children and adolescents who eat junk food have different types of diabetes. These different types of diabetes are not able to regulate regular sugar levels in the body. Increasing the disease increases the risk of obesity and overweight. It also increases the risk of kidney failure.

The consequences of eating junk food

Eating junk food every day leads our body to lack of nutrition. They lack essential nutrition, vitamins, iron, minerals etc. It also increases the risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases as it contains an excess of fat, sodium, bad cholesterol etc. Excess sodium and bad cholesterol increases the blood pressure of the body and also protects against excess pressure on the heart. A person who eats more junk food is at risk of gaining weight.

A high level of carbohydrate is found in junk food, which rapidly increases the level of sugar in the blood and makes a person lazy. The image and sense organs of a person who eats this type of food regularly become lifeless day by day. Thus, they live very dull lives. Junk food is the source of constipation and other diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, etc., which are caused by poor nutrition.


Junk foods are very harmful to us and by consuming them regularly they also cause many serious problems for health. We should consume it in very small amounts and if possible, should not be used at all. A person who eats junk food consumes much less food than other people and because of this, children also become obese. Therefore, we should avoid the use of junk food and make our life healthy and safe.

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