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Essay on International Yoga Day 2020 in English All Class in 1000+ Words

Get Essay on Yoga in English in PDF file from here. In this post, we have mentioned the importance of Yoga in everyday life and its benefits. Multiple variations of Yoga Essay like short / Long / Paragraph are provided here. The word count of essays ranged from 200 / 300 / 500 Words. school and college students use this best yoga essay for their academic work also.

International yoga day is celebrated on?

21 June 2020

International Yoga Day Logo

Essay on International Yoga Day 2020 in English All Class in 1000+ Words

International yoga day 2020 venue

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, International Yoga Day will be observed at home

International yoga day 2020 Theme

The theme for this year’s International Yoda Day on June 21, is “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family.”

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Essay on Yoga in English – Short / Long Essay

Yoga – an ancient form of practice that developed thousands of years ago in Indian society and has been practiced continuously since then. It involves a variety of exercises to keep a person healthy and get rid of various diseases and disabilities. It is also considered as a strong method for meditating which helps to relax the mind and body. Yoga is being practiced all over the world. According to a survey, around 2 billion people in the world practice yoga.

Essay on Yoga in English

Essay on Yoga in English 300 words


Yoga helps in controlling body, mind and soul. It creates a balance of physical and mental discipline to calm the body and mind. It also helps in managing stress and anxiety and helps you stay relaxed. Yoga asana is known for developing strength, flexibility in the body and confidence.

Benefits of yoga

  • Improve muscle flexibility
  • Heals body postures and alignment
  • Provides a better digestive system
  • Strengthens internal organs
  • Treats asthma
  • Cures diabetes
  • Helps to cure heart problems
  • Helps skin glow
  • Promotes strength and endurance
  • Improve concentration
  • Helps control mind and thoughts
  • Keeps the mind calm to overcome anxiety, stress, and depression
  • Help reduce stress
  • Helps in blood circulation and muscle relaxation
  • Weight loss
  • Protects from injury

These are the benefits of yoga. 

Yoga helps to increase your health and self-healing tendency.

Yoga sessions mainly consist of exercises, meditation and yoga asanas which strengthen various muscles. It is a good option to avoid drugs, which are harmful to our mental and physical health.

Stress is a common practice these days which has a devastating effect on the body and mind. Stress causes people to have severe problems such as pain at bedtime, neck pain, backache, headache, rapid heartbeat, palms sweating, heartburn, anger, insomnia and inability to concentrate. Yoga is really effective in treating these types of problems over time. It helps a person reduce stress by meditation and breathing exercises and improves a person’s mental well-being. Regular practice creates mental clarity and calmness which relaxes the mind.


Yoga is a very useful practice that is very easy to do and it also helps to get rid of some serious health problems, which are common in today’s lifestyles.

Essay on Yoga in English 400 words


Yoga is a practice that works on eight levels of development in the fields of mental, physical, spiritual and social health. The mind remains clear and focused as long as physical health is intact. The main goals of yoga include:

  • Physical health
  • mental health
  • Spiritual health
  • Sense of self
  • Social health

Reasons to practice yoga regularly

Yoga connects our body, mind, and soul together and makes us Peaceful and strong. Yoga keeps us fit and helps reducing stress and maintains overall health and a healthy mind can only help in focusing well.

Yoga is important because by practicing yoga you can gain on the following points:

Inner peace – Yoga helps in achieving inner peace and fight against stress and other problems. Yoga increases the level of peace in a person and helps to increase his self-confidence and make him happy.

Health – A healthy person can do more work than an unhealthy person. Nowadays life is very stressful and there is a lot of pollution around us. It is the cause of many health problems. 

Activism – Nowadays people feel lazy, tired or lack of sleep due to which they miss most of the fun in their life and are not able to complete their work properly. Being proactive, you are more aware of the things happening around you and are able to complete your work more efficiently and quickly. One way to do all this is to practice yoga regularly.

Flexibility – People nowadays suffer from many types of pain. They face difficulties while touching the toes or bending downward. Regular practice of yoga helps in relieving all these types of pain. By doing yoga, the effect of all these things can be seen to decrease in a few days.

Increase blood flow – Yoga helps in making your heart healthy and it works more efficiently by increasing the blood flow in your body and veins. It helps to keep your body oxygen-rich.

Power to concentrate – Yoga helps to calm and relax your body which means less stress and you can focus on your work. This is why children and adolescents are encouraged to do yoga as it helps them to concentrate better in their studies.


Thus, it can be said that yoga is a miracle and if done it will guide your whole life. 20-30 minutes per day Yoga can change your life forever by promoting a balance between your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Essay on Yoga in English 500 words


Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word, ‘use’ (YUJ). It means to connect, connect or unite. Yoga is 5000 years old Indian philosophy. It was first mentioned in the ancient sacred text – the Rigveda (Vedas were a collection of spiritual information, songs, and rituals used by Brahmins, texts of Vedic priests).

Yoga has been practiced in Indian society for thousands of years. A person doing yoga performs different activities called asanas. Yoga benefits those who practice it regularly.

Exercises done in yoga are called ‘asanas’ which are capable of bringing the stability of body and mind. Yoga asanas are the simplest way to reduce excess body weight and keep fit.

Origin of yoga

Yoga was born thousands of years ago in ancient India. First of all even before the birth of religion or belief system. Thousands of years ago, Adiyogi on the banks of Lake Kantisarokar in the Himalayas shared his knowledge with the great seven sages because it was difficult to keep so much knowledge in one person. The sages spread this powerful yoga science to various parts of the world including Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and South America. India has been blessed to achieve the Yoga system in its full manifestation.

The fossil remains of the Indus-Saraswati civilization are evidence of the presence of yoga in ancient India. This presence is mentioned in folk traditions. It is included in the Indus Valley Civilization, Buddhist and Jain traditions. According to studies, yoga was being practiced under the direct guidance of a guru and great importance was given to its spiritual value. Surya was given supreme importance during the Vedic period and so was Suryanamaskar later invented.

Maharishi Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga. However, he did not invent yoga as it was already in various forms. They assimilated it into the system. He observed that it is becoming too complicated for anyone to understand meaningfully. So he assimilated and incorporated all aspects into a certain format called the Yoga Sutra.

Controlling breathing is very important while doing any asana or yoga positions. Breath is an important force based on our actions and oxygen changes are the requirement of our body. If we exercise, we need more oxygen, so we breathe faster and if we relax, we breathe more comfortably. When doing slow asanas in yoga, the entire focus is integrated on the breath. Yoga practice promotes relaxed breathing and exhalation.


Yoga is understood to be partly due to being limited to easy, but people do not realize the benefits of yoga in uniting body, mind, and breath. Yoga can be selected and practiced by any age group and person of any body size. It is possible for anyone to start. Size and fitness level do not matter because modifications exist for each asana according to different people in yoga.

More details – Wikipedia

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